How water is making Everyone Mobile

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If you are among those lucky enough to have your health and mobility then you may also be among those that have never considered how it would feel to not have the use of your legs. If you do, it seems so normal, so easy to take for granted, to stand or walk or run. Imagine for a moment if you didn’t have that ability. Now imagine what it would feel like to suddenly get some of that mobility back.

It would be pretty freaking awesome.

To many, physical therapy pools seem to be the giant tubs that sit in the training rooms of your favorite sports team or athlete, but to some, they are a way back to a feeling of control and mobility. The weightlessness one feels in water can be a very liberating feeling to someone normally confined to a wheelchair so it may surprise the mobile masses just how popular and often used they actually are.

Physical therapy pools are not the esoteric training tool most assume that they are as they are in use in residential applications all over the country. The last decade or so has seen a sharp increase in home instillations as their benefits are clearly very well documented. People who previously had no liberation from their physical limitations are making great use of the natural buoyancy of water and the soothing, calming affects that it can achieve. In addition to the mental benefits, physical therapy pools can also bring about great results in overall body health as they can be used as a form of non weight bearing exercise. Immobility is the single largest contributor to muscle atrophy which can lead to a whole host of associated problems including embolism, poor circulation, skin integrity issues and respiratory problems. The ability to move or be moved within the weightlessness of moving water can help alleviate or combat these health issues while also bringing about a feeling of independence and mobility that may be otherwise impossible.

Physical therapy pools are not just for the athlete. They are for everyone.

Crystal is an account coordinator with Location3 Media. Her personal blog discusses travel, health, fitness, and finance.

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